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Teaching Experience

  • Conducted Paediatric orthopaedic course for General Practitioners and general
    paediatricians – 03 – Nov – 09, Shriners hospital, Montreal
  • Resident teaching – once a week, Shriners hospital. July 09 – Dec 09
  • Teaching MBBS students and Nursing students In Tan Tcok Seng Hospital
    Singapore Nov 07 – June 09.
  • Twice a week bedside clinics for undergraduates 2003 – 2005: Teaching about
    history taking, basic examination techniques, eliciting of signs, and about X rays and Instruments

Extra Curricular Activities

  • Awarded National Merit Scholarship 1995 - 2001
  • Member, Voluntary medical relief and rehabilitation camp in Gujarat Earthquake in JAN 2001
  • Team leader, Pulse Polio Immunization program in the year 1995 TO 2002, conducted
    by Ministry of health and family welfare. Govt. of India.
  • Member, Voluntary free health camps in villages.
  • Team leader, public awareness stalls regarding Nutrition and Breast Feeding in a
    medical exhibition in the year 1999.
  • Member, Academic council in 1999 – 2001.
  • Member, Sports council 1996- 1998.
  • Secretary, Scientific council in high school 1991- 1992.
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