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Courses Attended

  • POSNA-ASEAN Paediatric orthopaedic course: 3 day intensive course by eminent pediatric orthopaedic
    surgeon held in KK women and children Hospital, Singapore on 22-24 Aug 2007.
  • BCLS (basic Cardiac Life Support) Course in Nov-2006 In KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore.
  • Certification of completion of CITI (Collaborative IRB Training Initiative) course in KK Women`s and Children`s Hospital, Singapore.
  • Shoulder surgery Course and Work Shop by Prof Copeland, UK, in Oct-2006 at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore, India.
  • Spine Surgery Course in Sept- 2006 at St John`s Hospital, Bangalore, India.
  • Shoulder arthroscopy Course and Workshop in Oct-2006 at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore, India.
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