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Our Services

Septic arthritis and tubercular arthritis:
Medical management as well as, Surgical management. Various osteotomies for septic sequelae

Spine surgeries:
We offer most advanced care for spinal deformities like Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Spondylolisthesis and other congenital spinal anomalies. We also offer VEPTOR treatment for young child with chest wall and spinal deformities.

Cerebral Palsy:
Assessment, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Brace management. We do provide highly specialized services like Botox injections, surgical soft tissue releases and bony osteotomies. We are well trained to provide treatment for adult patients with cerebral palsy and post stroke deformities.

Musculoskeltal tumours:
We offer most advanced treatment for bone tumors both Benign and malignant. Various modalities are Excision, resection, Limb salvage surgeries, amputations, Megaprosthesis, allograft procedures, Rotationplasties.

Pediatric sports injuries:
Knee and ankle injuries, arthroscopic procedures. Hip arthroscopy.

Upper limb:
Brachial plexus palsy management, congenital hand deformities management. Radial and ulnar club hand correction.

Limb lengthening surgeries:
We offer limb lengthening surgeries both therapeutic and cosmetic. Dr Manohar Babu KV is very well trained in management of limb length deformity through various fellowships. Lenghtening is done using various modalities like Ilizarov, Orthofix external fixator and lengthening over a nail. We offer unique treatment in limb lengthening like lengthening over a nail (Fit bone and ISKD) where patient donot need to wait for months before resuming work.
We also do regular monitoring of limb growth in young children and do timely epiphysiodesis. Readmore...

Adult procedures:
Late DDH management with shelf osteotomy, Periacetabular osteotomy like Ganz, Triple osteotomies. Readmore...

Joint preservation surgeries:

Hip Joint:
We offer most advanced treatment like Femoral neck reconstruction, periacetabular osteotomy, Hip arthroscopy and acetabular labral repair through mini-open technique.

Knee joint:
: Autologous Chondrocyte implantation (ACI). Stem cell treatment. High tibial osteotomies.

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